Running AWS DynamoDB Locally for .NET Core Developers Configuring an ASP.NET Core application to use a local DynamoDB Docker container

For a recent set of .NET Core based microservices I have found myself using AWS DynamoDB as a data store. I recently discovered that AWS provides (and have done for 5 years!) a local version of DynamoDB which is perfect for testing applications offline and without the need to set up actual DynamoDB tables in […]

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Working with Polly – Using the Context to Obtain the Retry Count for Diagnostics Exploring a basic use case the for Polly Context object to track diagnostic data

I’ve been using Polly for a number of years now. For the most part, my usage of the library has been to solve some quite basic problems; commonly to implement retry logic when calling external services for example. In this post, I want to explore a requirement I had when using Polly within a library […]

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HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (Part 5): Logging Exploring the default request and response logging and how to replace the logging implementation

In the 2.1 release of IHttpClientFactory, the ASP.NET team included some built-in logging of the HTTP calls made via HttpClients created by the factory. This can be useful for the diagnosis of failures, as well as to understand the time taken to complete HTTP calls to external services.  In this post, I want to explore […]

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IHttpClientFactory Patterns: Using Typed Clients from Singleton Services Exploring an approach to reuse transient typed clients within singleton services

I’ve been following IHttpClientFactory for some time and have created a number of blog posts on the various features based on sample applications. Since then; with the release of ASP.NET Core 2.1 now available, I’ve begun using IHttpClientFactory in real production applications. In this post, I want to start covering some patterns I’ve begun to […]

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