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An Efficient Dictionary for IPAddress Tracking using .NET 9 with AlternateLookup and IAlternateEqualityComparer

In this post, I will introduce and demonstrate enhancements to collections in .NET 9 and C# 13 for low-allocation code paths. Specifically, I will demonstrate using a custom IAlternateEqualityComparer and the AlternateLookup on a Dictionary used for efficiently tracking IP address information, keyed on the bytes of IP addresses.

My use case, the basis for the techniques shown here, was tracking the number of requests from non-GitHub IP addresses when handling GitHub webhooks. I wanted to use a dictionary to store a small amount of state, keyed by the IP address. One of my goals was to be as performant and memory-efficient as possible; another was to learn about this new feature of collections.

In this post, I’ll simplify this scenario as much as possible so we can focus on the new C# 13 AlternateLookup feature of the Dictionary. I plan to return to this topic with a deeper, more advanced post describing my IP address tracking implementation in greater detail.

Whenever the application handles a request from an IP address which is not a known GitHub IP, we should either add that IP to the dictionary (if it does not exist) or retrieve the state already held in the dictionary for that IP.

We’ll begin by defining a dictionary to hold our data:

var dictionary = new Dictionary<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, string>(ReadOnlyMemoryComparer.Default);

In this pared-down example, the value type for this dictionary is a string. It’s a small class in the real scenario, but that detail is unimportant for now. The key is defined as ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, which simplifies some of the later code. In practice, this will always be an array of bytes when a new entry is added to the dictionary. A custom comparer has been passed in, and we’ll come to that soon.

When we need to check a remote IPAddress for a connection, we’ll first check if we have an existing entry for that IP. During this check, I wanted to avoid any unnecessary allocations. Therefore, ideally, we’ll use a ReadOnlySpan<byte> to hold the bytes of the IP we want to look up/add. This allows us to avoid intermediate allocations when preparing that data.

var ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
var size = ipAddress.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork ? 4 : 16;

Span<byte> key = stackalloc byte[size];

if (!ipAddress.TryWriteBytes(key, out var bytesWritten))
    // Should never happen

key = key[..bytesWritten];

In the above example, we can stack allocate a small byte buffer to hold the bytes representing the IP address we have received. By defining this local variable as a Span<byte> we can use stackalloc without the unsafe keyword. Using the TryWriteBytes method on the IPAddress we can populate that buffer with the bytes of the IP address. While we expect the buffer to be correctly sized, we slice the Span using the range operator to the correct length based on the bytes written into the buffer.

At his point, pre .NET 9, we’d be stuck. We have a Span<byte> that we want to look up, but our dictionary uses ReadOnlyMemory<byte> for the key. Fortunately, .NET 9 brings a new feature to some of the generic collection types, allowing us to use an alternate type for the key lookup. To use this feature, we’ll first need to define an IAlternateEqualityComparer<TAlternate,T> to assist in the comparison.

I’ll provide the complete code for such a comparer and then discuss the details.

internal sealed class ReadOnlyMemoryComparer : IEqualityComparer<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>, 
    IAlternateEqualityComparer<ReadOnlySpan<byte>, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
    public static IEqualityComparer<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> Default { get; } = new ReadOnlyMemoryComparer();

    public ReadOnlyMemory<byte> Create(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate) => 

    public bool Equals(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> other) =>

    public bool Equals(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> x, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> y) => 

    public int GetHashCode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate)
        HashCode hc = default;
        return hc.ToHashCode();

    public int GetHashCode(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> obj) => GetHashCode(obj.Span);

Our class implements both IEqualityComparer<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> and IAlternateEqualityComparer<ReadOnlySpan<byte>, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>. Crucially, we can now pass a Span/ReadOnlySpan as a generic argument when the constraints use the “allows ref struct” keyword combination in the where clause.

We must provide two implementations for Equals and GetHashCode.

IEqualityComparer.Equals(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> x, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> y) is pretty easy as we can access the Span property on both ReadOnlyMemory<byte> instances and then use the optimised SequenceEqual method to check if the bytes are the same. IAlternateEqualityComparer.Equals(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> other) is equally straightforward and pretty self-explanatory.

IAlternateEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate) uses the HashCode type, adding the bytes and returning the hashcode. IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> obj) calls into this method since we can easily access a Span from the ReadOnlyMemory<byte>.

The final method defined on IAlternateEqualityComparer that we must implement is the Create method. This accepts our alternate type ReadOnlySpan<byte> and must return the key type ReadOnlyMemory<byte>. This will be used when adding an item to the dictionary to handle the conversion. In the above implementation, we call ToArray on the span to create an array. Since this can be implicitly converted to ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, this compiles without issue. This is incurring a small heap allocation, but we can’t avoid it as we need an instance to use as the key.

The implementation above also caches an instance of this comparer, which is accessed via the Default property, so we only need to allocate one instance. It’s that default instance that we passed into the constructor for the dictionary.

We’re now ready to leverage the new features of .NET 9 to employ our new Span-based comparer.

var alternateLookup = dictionary.GetAlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<byte>>();

We can now call GetAlternateLookup<TAlternate> on the dictionary to access methods to operate on the dictionary based on a ReadOnlySpan<byte>.

Remember that stack-allocated buffer we filled earlier? We can now use it when adding an entry to the dictionary.

alternateLookup[buffer] = "Hello, world!";

This will trigger the IAlternateEqualityComparer.Create method which converts that Span<byte> into an array, making it safe to store.

Of course, we can perform other standard dictionary operations, such as checking whether an IP address is already present.

var exists = alternateLookup.ContainsKey(buffer); //true

By using AlternateLookup, we can now look up items in the dictionary with sliced data from existing memory or stack allocated memory for small items. In this particular example, we could have achieved a similar result by using IPAddress directly as the key; however, holding onto those objects which have a slightly larger size was something I wanted to see if I could avoid. I expect the comparisons also to be faster when using the Span<byte>; however, reliably benchmarking that proved complicated because of how the IPAddress class is implemented internally.


This has been a basic introduction to the AlternateLookup feature added to .NET 9. Keep this in mind if you’re working with collections and need to avoid intermediate allocations for the key lookup value. The canonical example would be for a string-keyed dictionary, where we can now avoid allocating strings, by parsing a Span<char> to perform a check for a matching entry. StringComparer already implements the new interface, requiring little effort to leverage.

As I’ve shown, crafting a custom compare is not too complicated and works well in scenarios where we can use a Span<T> to parse or produce a key value without heap allocating when we want to perform lookups on a collection. 


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Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon is a Pluralsight author, 7x Microsoft MVP, and a .NET engineer at Elastic where he maintains the .NET APM agent and related libraries. Steve is passionate about community and all things .NET related, having worked with ASP.NET for over 21 years. Steve enjoys sharing his knowledge through his blog, in videos and by presenting talks at user groups and conferences. Steve is excited to participate in the active .NET community and founded .NET South East, a .NET Meetup group based in Brighton. He enjoys contributing to and maintaining OSS projects. You can find Steve on most social media platforms as @stevejgordon