Understanding System.Diagnostics DiagnosticSource and DiagnosticListener (Part 1)

Throughout its history, .NET has evolved various mechanisms to “log” diagnostic information inside applications and libraries, including TraceSource, EventSource, ILogger, and DiagnosticSource, the subject of this post. TraceSource is a legacy option and is rarely used in new code. ILogger is a simple structured logging abstraction that is well suited to many applications, although it […]

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Working with Polly – Using the Context to Obtain the Retry Count for Diagnostics Exploring a basic use case the for Polly Context object to track diagnostic data

I’ve been using Polly for a number of years now. For the most part, my usage of the library has been to solve some quite basic problems; commonly to implement retry logic when calling external services for example. In this post, I want to explore a requirement I had when using Polly within a library […]

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