In this blog post, I want to get back to an area I genuinely enjoy, exploring the use of HttpClient within your .NET applications. I’ll explain how you can optimise the performance of HttpClient when handling data such as JSON payloads on the HttpResponseMessage. Making HTTP Requests Using HttpClient By default, in the majority of […]
Tag: HttpResponseMessage
Demystifying HttpClient Internals: HttpResponseMessage A look at the internals of HttpResponseMessage
In the previous post in my demystifying HttpClient series, I looked at the internals of HttpRequestMessage. I want to continue the series by investigating the HttpResponseMessage. This class is mostly a property holder, with little internal logic but there are a few behaviours and best practices to watch out for. If you’ve read my previous […]
Demystifying HttpClient Internals Exploring the SendAsync Flow
I’ve written a few blog posts about HttpClientFactory and HttpClient and these are proving popular topics. There exists some confusion about how HttpClient should be used and there is a degree of mystery around how it actually works. In this post, I want to begin a potential series where we will explore the internals of […]