WARNING: This blog post is informational and relevant to those with an inquisitive mind but should be considered experimental. The code presented here is not suited to most real-world situations, not thoroughly tested and is just for fun! In this post, I will demonstrate how to create a ReadOnlySequence from some existing data held in […]
Category: .NET

How are .NET APIs Designed?
In this post, I want to cover something which I find extremely interesting. How are .NET APIs Designed? Sounds exciting… right? Perhaps you’re thinking no, it’s not and you are planning to hit that back button. Hold fire for one second to think about the challenge from the perspective of the .NET team. You’re designing […]

Sending and Receiving JSON using HttpClient with System.Net.Http.Json
In this post, I will introduce a new library, called System.Net.Http.Json, which has been added to .NET in the last few days. We’ll look at the problem which this library helps to solve. We’ll then explore some examples of how to use it in your code today. WARNING: This library is currently available as a pre-release […]

An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels
I’ve recently begun making use of a relatively new (well, it’s a little over a year old at the time of writing) feature called “Channels”. The current version number is 4.5.0 (with a 4.6.0 preview also available as pre-release) which makes it sound like it’s been around for a lot longer, but in fact, 4.5.0 […]