HttpClient Creation and Disposal Internals: Should I Dispose of HttpClient? .NET Core Internals - Under the Hood of HttpClient and HttpClientFactory

A common question that I get asked quite often and a point of reasonable confusion for developers is “Should I dispose of HttpClient or not?” There isn’t one yes or no answer to this. It really does depend on a few key factors. In this post, I’ll try to answer this question with enough code snippets […]

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Working with Polly – Using the Context to Obtain the Retry Count for Diagnostics Exploring a basic use case the for Polly Context object to track diagnostic data

I’ve been using Polly for a number of years now. For the most part, my usage of the library has been to solve some quite basic problems; commonly to implement retry logic when calling external services for example. In this post, I want to explore a requirement I had when using Polly within a library […]

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Contributing to the Microsoft ASP.NET Documentation My experience of writing for

Back in February I spotted an issue on the ASP.NET Core Docs repository. The issue was a requirement for new documentation about the IHttpClientFactory feature being added in ASP.NET Core 2.1. I’d been following the work on IHttpClientFactory for a while and had written a couple of posts about the functionality based on the nightly builds. […]

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