Blog title image for Implementing ASP.NET Core Automatic Span (Activity) Linking for Internal Redirects with Middleware on .NET 9

Implementing ASP.NET Core Automatic Span (Activity) Linking for Internal Redirects with Middleware on .NET 9

Today, I’ll continue a current theme for my content based on my experiences implementing OpenTelemetry instrumentation in practice for .NET applications. In this post, I want to focus on a minor enhancement I recently added to a project that enables span links between request traces on ASP.NET Core during internal redirects. NOTE: This code relies […]

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Deep Dive - How is ASP.NET Core Middleware Pipeline Built - Header Image

Deep Dive: How is the ASP.NET Core Middleware Pipeline Built?

If you’ve ever used ASP.NET Core, then you’ll likely be familiar with the Startup class. This class, by convention, includes at least one method named Configure. Often, a ConfigureServices method is also included and used to register services with the Microsoft dependency injection container, but this isn’t an absolute requirement. The configure method is where […]

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