Hey friends! In this post, I’m going to share my thoughts about the benefits of blogging. I’ll talk about how this activity can help you become a better developer, expand your horizons, lift your career and help you learn. Immediately, you may be dubious about this opening paragraph. “Surely Steve is taking this a bit […]
Tag: community
.NET South East – May Event New speakers night.
It’s been a while since I last got around to blogging about a .NET South East meetup event. I wanted to make sure I did this month as the plan for this week’s event was close to my heart. I had the idea back in December / January to try and organise a night for […]
Humanitarian Toolbox Codeathon .NET South East - Coding for the Greater Good
On Saturday (20th January) we held a special .NET South East event, spending the day ‘coding for the greater good’ on the Humanitarian Toolbox allReady project. We were very excited to be joined by Richard Campbell, one of the co-founders of Humanitarian Toolbox and co-host of the popular .NET Rocks Podcast. A team of 19 […]

My Microsoft MVP Journey Becoming a Visual Studio and Developer Technologies MVP
On November 1st I got a very nice surprise in my inbox from Microsoft. I was being awarded an MVP in the ‘Visual Studio and Development Technologies’ category. This is an achievement that I am extremely proud of and very excited about. It’s an honour and honestly quite daunting to join such an amazing group […]
.NET South East October 2017 Meetup With guest Rabeb Othmani
Last night we held our third .NET South East meetup at Madgex HQ with special guest Rabeb Othmani. Here’s a brief summary of the evening… Preparation Planning for this meeting felt a lot easier than past events as I have built a few lists of things to do and have a bit of experience with […]