ASP.NET Core Gotchas – No. 2 Why are settings from launchSettings.json now picked up when using dotnet run?

Following on from my first gotcha that we hit yesterday, here is another one which caught us out at the same time.

TL:DR; When using dotnet run (.NET Core 2.0), expect it to set some properties (including the port and environment) from launchSettings.json if it’s included in the Properties folder!

The issue we faced was that when running a new API using ASP.NET Core 2.0 inside a container, it was starting on the wrong port; not port 80 as we’d expected. The scenario where this can show itself is unlikely to be a common one, so hopefully only a few people will run into this exact gotcha.

In our case, prototyping the new API needed some front end involvement so we added a quick and dirty dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file to enable it to be spun up inside a container. Normally our production containers are all built on images which are based on the ASP.NET Core runtime image. We then copy in our published dlls and run the application inside the container. However, in this particular case we’d cheated a little and were using the SDK based image to allow us to build and then run the source inside a container.

In our case our dockerfile looked like this (note: do not use this in production!)

FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0



COPY . .

RUN dotnet restore --verbosity quiet && dotnet build -c Release --verbosity quiet


WORKDIR /app/src/OurNewApi

ENTRYPOINT dotnet run

The details of what it does are not too important. If you’re interested your can read my Docker for .NET Developers series to learn more. What is important here is that we are copying the entire solution folder contents into the container and later using dotnet run to start it. Seems safe enough – right?

As stated earlier, we noticed that for some reason, instead of using the default ASP.NET Core environment variable (ASPNETCORE_URLS=”https://*:80) which defines the default port of 80 it was using a different port. We also noticed that the environment was showing as “Development” and not “Production”.

We then examined the console output and noticed the following information:

Using launch settings from C:\Projects\OurApi\OurApi\Properties\launchSettings.json…

We checked and indeed, the port being used was the one defined in launchSettings.json. This was a bit of a surprise since in the past that file has only been used by Visual Studio. We scratched our heads as we’d previously done something similar with an ASP.NET Core 1.0 project without hitting any issues. I started investigating and soon found a closed GitHub issue titled “Add support for launchSettings.json to dotnet run”. Reading through it, it seems that since 2.0, dotnet run will load up some settings from launchSettings.json if it finds one. This makes some sense from a developer tooling point of view as I guess there are cases where it could be useful. In our case, the fact we were blindly copying in our entire solution folder (including the launchSettings.json file) as well as starting our API using dotnet run, meant that we experienced this behaviour inside the container. It’s not something we normally face, but in this quick prototype, it showed itself.

The quick solution in our case was to include the Properties folder in our dockerignore file which specifies any folders/files that you do not want included in the build context. This then avoids them being copied into your image using the COPY command.

For the curious among you, this functionality is implemented inside ProjectLaunchSettingsProvider.cs in the .NET CLI repository. If the file is found then the properties from the environmentVariables section are used as well as the value of the applicationUrl property.

Long story short, be aware of the fact that since .NET 2.0 the “dotnet run” CLI command will look for and use a launchSettings.json file if it’s available. If you suspect this may be happening in your case you can check the console output to see if it has loaded from launchSettings.json.


Other posts in the ASP.NET Core Gotchas Series:

No. 1 – Why aren’t my Environment Variables loaded into ASP.NET Core 2.0 configuration on Linux?

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Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon is a Pluralsight author, 7x Microsoft MVP, and a .NET engineer at Elastic where he maintains the .NET APM agent and related libraries. Steve is passionate about community and all things .NET related, having worked with ASP.NET for over 21 years. Steve enjoys sharing his knowledge through his blog, in videos and by presenting talks at user groups and conferences. Steve is excited to participate in the active .NET community and founded .NET South East, a .NET Meetup group based in Brighton. He enjoys contributing to and maintaining OSS projects. You can find Steve on most social media platforms as @stevejgordon

4 thoughts to “ASP.NET Core Gotchas – No. 2 Why are settings from launchSettings.json now picked up when using dotnet run?

    1. I agree and normally that would be the case so as a general rule this shouldn’t be a problem. Our case was just due to the quick and dirty prototyping we were doing!

  1. Alternatively, you could use the –no-launch-profile switch to run the application. I haven’t tested it, but that should do the job. I’d pass the no build and restore flags too. Though unnecessary, probably saves a few ms here and there 🙂

    dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build --no-restore

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